is an online service that allows companies to send invoices to their customers and pay bills received from their vendors. Normally, when a vendor or contractor does work for a company, they send the company an invoice or bill for the work they performed. Part of the benefit of doing contract work through Facet is the streamlined and hassle-free billing and payments process. We manage this for you from start to finish.

At the end of every pay period, we take the hours you've submitted in Harvest, generate an invoice for your work, and send it to the client. We also generate a bill in that records what Facet owes you for that pay period.

If you log in to your, you will see the bills the Facet team has entered on your behalf. You might be concerned that the bills are marked as “Unsent.” What does that mean?

This is just one of the quirks of using a platform that isn't perfectly tailored to the way Facet works. Because Facet entered the bill for you and you didn't create the bill and send it to Facet, the bill will be marked as "Unsent." You can safely ignore the "Unsent" label—it does not affect your ability to receive payments.