Using Listo

Listo really is the one-stop-shop for all things with your contract. You will use the Time Tracking feature to log your hours.

That said, some clients require you to use their time-tracking tool. You’ll want to use this in addition to using Listo—otherwise, we can’t pay you, no matter what hours you worked. You will submit hours and expenses by 9 am PT Monday for services rendered and expenses incurred during the previous week.

Logging Hours

  1. First, you will need to log into Listo.
  2. Click Time Tracking.
  3. Select the pay period you are submitting hours to and the label that belongs to your client.
  4. Enter the hours.

Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 9.19.56 AM.png

Submitting Your Hours

  1. At the end of each pay period, you must submit all hours worked. If you take time off and do not log hours for a week, you must still submit the week at 0 hours. Did you know you can even submit time off requests in Listo? It is not a requirement but will help us know if you are planning on taking time off and won’t be logging hours.
  2. Once all hours are entered and saved correctly, click Submit for Approval.
  3. Once your hours are submitted, we will generate an invoice for the client for payment.

Note that if you are using the client’s time tracking tool, we recommend that you ensure your Listo hours match the client’s time tracking tool so that there are no discrepancies or delays in payment.

If you need to work more hours than are in the contract, see Can I go over my hours limit?.

If you have any questions about how this works, please reach out to [email protected].